My Must Have Health & Fitness Items

These are my must have products that I use everyday and has helped me on my own personal journey! You’ll LOVE them.

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Jump Rope


The jumprope that saved my fitness journey while being quarantined. Cardio became so fun to do like never before.




Love love love this scale! It works with an app on my smartphone to help me keep track of my weight, BMI, and so much more.


1Gallon Water Bottle


I use this water bottle to help me hit my water goals that I set daily. The “NO EXCUSES” gets me every time.

Resistance Bands


These bands are so crucial for my resistance training and muscle building workouts.




My favorite blender to make my daily smoothies. Keeps my frozen and fresh fruits/vegetables blended evenly.


Carton Water Bottle


Resistance Bands II


These bands are also mandatory for my resistance training and muscle building workouts.


Ankle Weights


I use these ankle weights to make my workouts more challenging, they get the job done every time!